2017 Hidden Sci-Fi Gems To Watch

It has been a great year for science fiction. We have seen some great movies which probably were successful blockbusters, right?


Being a blockbuster entails success at the box office which is possible by using a great marketing campaign or with the movie watchers mouth to mouth strategy.

But what about those interesting movies that didn’t have great marketing exposure or enough budgets to be shown in theaters?  They are mostly known as underrated movies but here we will refer to them as hidden Sci-Fi gems. Which movies are we talking about then? Let’s have a look at five 2017good sci-fi movies to watch:



Marjorie Prime (2017)

What if you could have a computerized (holographic) version of a deceased family member to talk to? Marjorie, a dying woman in her 80s (played by Lois Smith) decides to spend her final days with a holographic projection of her deceased husband.

The computer program resembles a younger version of her husband (played by John Hamm). The computer program relies on information from Marjorie and her family to develop a better understanding of the character’s life, family relations, and memories. Sharing information often results in remembering past events, something not all family members is very fond of.

This American Sci-Fi film premiered at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival and has received critical acclaim. It is a very intriguing (definitely thought-provoking) film that discusses the concepts of artificial intelligence, mortality and family memories. In terms of Sci-Fi, it is a simple film, with no big budget or fancy special effects, yet it still manages in a simple way to show a powerful story.



The Discovery (2017)

What if the afterlife could be scientifically proven? In the film, it is scientifically proven that the afterlife exists. This discovery has led to a significant increase in suicide among the world population. A man (Jason Segel) meets a woman (Rooney Mara) who isn’t against the idea of suicide. He will try his best to help her in every way possible.

This British-American romantic Sci-Fi film produced by Netflix received mixed reviews from critics. I wonder why? On the surface, it focuses a lot on human truths and raises many questions which many may are not able to understand from a religious point of view.

It is a thought-provoking story which is something many are not accustomed to or simply are not interested in. Overall it is a complicated yet fascinating story having a little bit of drama and dark humor at the same time.


Rememory (2017)

What if there was a device able to extract record and play a person’s memories? Gordon Dunn, a visionary scientist, invented this machine but was found dead shortly after presenting his work. Hearing about this invention was extremely impactful for one man (Peter Dinklage) who will steal it to try to solve the mystery of the scientist’s death. This investigation will lead him to dangerous places.

This American Sci-Fi mystery drama received negative reviews from critics but many movie viewers liked it. This is one of those movies that you have to watch and judge for yourself.

Among the cast of this movie, we are able to see the deceased Anton Yelching, mostly known in the Sci-Fi world for his role as Chekov in the J.J. Abrams Star Trek Movies. The film was released at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival and on Google Play before being released in theaters. It is another thought-provoking film centered on betrayal, deception, and guilt.


What happened to Monday? (2017)

Imagine a one-child policy on a worldwide scale. Around the year 2043 overpopulation causes a worldwide crisis. In order to resolve this, governments around the world agree to establish a one-child policy. The Child Allocation Bureau will ensure that this policy is strictly followed.

Seven identical sisters (played by Noomi Rapace)are trying to survive by taking turns to act as a common identity that is the same for all, only in their own room can they act as themselves, once outside they are someone else. Their grandfather (Willem Dafoe) taught them all they know. The names of the seven sisters are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It all goes well, until one day Monday didn’t come back at the agreed time. So what happened to Monday? You’ll have to watch the film to find out.

The film is also known as “Seven Sisters” and is distributed by SND films, Vendôme Pictures and Netflix. Overall it is an interesting take on the one-child policy as a story that centers on survival and the right to live a life. What is even more interesting is the acting of Noomi Rapace in the film. She is playing all 7 different characters at the same time.

Acting in multiple roles seems to have become a trend. We have seen him in previous movies like Split (2016) and in TV shows like Orphan Black (2013-2017). It is a challenging project to take in general and so far the actors have done an amazing job.


Colossal (2017)

Imagine you suddenly have the power to control a giant monster. This is the story of Gloria (played by Anne Hathaway) who becomes unemployed in New York and is forced to move back home in New England. When stories arise in the media about a giant creature that is destroying Seoul (South Korea), she somehow comes to the realization that she is connected to the giant. As damages escalate she must figure out why she has such a colossal effect on the world.

This film premiered at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival and was released in 2017 in theaters in the U.S. This Sci-Fi black comedy film was very well received by critics.

It is an entertaining movie but it is not for everyone. It’s true that it is challenging for a niche audience but it also has entertainment that appeals to the general masses. It is a combination of a monster movie and a romantic comedy with social satire.


Final Thoughts

There you have them: five interesting movies that most movie watchers didn’t know about. Which of these films do you find most interesting and would be willing to watch it? Are there any other 2017 Sci-Fi films which according to you is also a hidden gem?




Hi There! I am Sci-Fi Fan who wishes to share the love for Sci-Fi. Whether you know about Sci-Fi or not, on SFM&TV you will find interesting material to explore. I'll be happy to share with you what I know and to learn from you as well.

12 thoughts on “2017 Hidden Sci-Fi Gems To Watch”
  1. I am a big time movie buff. My husband and I love sitting and watching movies together. I saw the trailer for Rememory and it looked pretty interesting but I didn’t get to check it out, maybe I will get to tonight. Thanks for the list and Happy New Year!

  2. I’m on my Christmas break right now and would love some great movies to watch. “Rememory” looks like a movie I’ll be interested in. I’m super glad these are all on Netflix too, as I’m all for convenience. Great job on these recommendations, I’ll be back for more!

  3. I really love the execution of Orphan Black – one person playing wildly different twins – and so I wanted to see that “What Happened to Monday?” film. But, 2017 was the year of me never going to the movies. That has to change in 2018, because I’m missing out on some incredibly creative stuff.

    1. Hi Penelope,

      One of the great developments of 2017 for me has been the growth of Netflix. They are producing both series and films and are acquiring rights to show certain films. Going to the theater has become very expensive, especially for big families. Unless you go to the theater without buying any drinks or something to eat. Even sadder is that you don’t get what you paid for in service. So people are more in favor of staying at home and watch movies at their own convenience and are even able to create their own movie theater experience at home.
      Films such as “What happened to Monday”/”7 Sisters” are distributed by Netflix so once you have some time you’ll still be able to see it. How cool is that?

  4. A big thumbs up… as a Sci-fi fan, I am very happy you shared these Titles… your research and insights are truly a gem in terms of finding quality movies =) Thaks for this! I’ll have this list stocked for this week’s movie viewing with the family =)

  5. What happened to Monday was an amazing film and I have only just watched it a few days ago because the trailer didn’t really do the movie that much justice to be honest so I have been putting it off. If anybody has watched the trailer and wasn’t that impressed with it, you really need to watch it as it is much better than the trailer which is normally the other way around as movie trailers normally show the best bits and don’t really leave much left to look forward to. Loved that movie!! 10/10 for me

    1. Hi Matthew,

      Thanks for sharing your experience.
      You are right. There are good trailers for bad movies and bad trailers for good movies. It’s not the case for all movies but it has been happening a lot. With movies like “What Happened to Monday”, their trailers most of the times don’t really sell the movie well, and that has been happening too often. Probably because the people creating this trailers don’t really get the movie and its highlights that can shine in the trailer.
      The ones that do it well are the well-established franchises who have all creators including producers on the same page so the final product is made based on a vision. I imagine that with most movies, especially movies like “What Happened to Monday” not everyone on the team understands the vision of the project and, in the end, you have several opinions on what should be shown: producer vs director vs writer. In the end, the one that wins is the one with the monies which is the producer who may not get what the film is trying to tell or thinks that the audience will not be able to understand it and is therefore not bankable if it is done in an honest way.
      Today only watching trailers is not enough, you will have to do more research.

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