Stan Lee, as a comic writer, created many characters and stories about heroes who were imperfect.
This resonated with many of us. It made us believe that normal people could also become heroes. That is: if you can acknowledge you made a mistake you are able to correct your actions and become a better human being. From the Hulk, Black Panther, Spiderman, and many more he created a diverse group of heroes. His stories were brought to the big screen. The most successful film “Iron Man” (2008), which kick-started the Marvel Cinematic Universe or the MCU as we know it, helped make him unforgettable with his guest appearances in all the movies in this universe.
His stories have a strong message of diversity and unity that contrast the world we live in today. He was against racism and discrimination. His stories have been on comic book shelves for many years. But it wasn’t until the films based on his characters were successful that more people took interest in his stories. It’s not recently that he created Black Panther for example. The stories are there, it is just that nobody dared to take those stories properly to the mainstream until now. Even those that started the MCU had struggles in the beginning within the film industry. Luckily that group persisted and got a visionary leader who knew the material and was able to maintain the truthfulness of the stories and characters. The transition from the comics to the big screen was therefore successful.
It is amazing how these stories changed the cinematic landscape globally. Social media was and still is a great support for the success of these movies. Despite all the negativity that is part of social media, no one can deny the support of fans when it comes to supporting the stories they love. Fortunately, social media is a combination of open platforms where you will get supported, loved, criticized or hated. There is no filter compared to the traditional television network which very often published the information in favor of their sponsors/donors.
When it comes to Marvel stories in comics, films or TV shows the fans are supportive and loyal to the material. I have friends who grew up with the stories and know the characters’ characteristics, mannerisms and background story by heart. That is why it is disheartening for them when the character is not truthfully portrayed on screen. I can understand that.
Through Stan Lee’s stories, we have learned many moral lessons but it seems that not all of us apply in real life what we learn. Looking out for the little man, and encouraging him to be great. Be inclusive of all races, genders, and religions. Each individual is different, you don’t need to have the same beliefs but you are united by having the same goal; coexist. His work, his personality, and his life impacted many people. The best way to maintain his legacy is to follow what he teaches us through his stories. And showcase his work and make it available for everyone. It is all about his work. But please don’t take advantage of his passing to make a profit. On December 28 we’ll remember him on his birthday, he would have been 96. Like someone suggested, on his birthday remember him through his work. Share with others who don’t know about his body of work. For those who don’t know how extensive his work actually is it would be a great opportunity to get acquainted with them. They are too good and shouldn’t be hidden.
Let future generations learn about his stories. Excelsior!
What did you learn from Stan Lee’s stories? How did they impact your life?
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.
His stories helped me in many ways. Especially during my teenage years. You are right his stories of inclusion, never giving up and accepting your self are not new. They have been around for a while. It shows you how much we still have to learn. In a way have gone backward instead of going forward. When something bad is happening people are filming instead of rushing to help. They rather have material showing someone getting beaten up and intervene.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for sharing your story!
I understand what you mean. It’s a sad reality that we have to deal with.
The best thing we can do is raise awareness and learn how to deal with this behavior and take preventive measures (it is a new learning process especially for parents and teachers). Instead of reacting on the post, raise the question who is on the other side filming and why it was more important filming than preventing a difficult situation.
A popular example from Stan Lee of a character that wouldn’t stand and watch is Steve Rogers. Even though this is a very popular character in comics and films you don’t see people copying the best qualities of the character but rather focus on his appearance and costumes.